Tuesday 28 August 2018

Step 1: Download Blender

The Starting Point Paradox

[picture of laprus here...oh, you added video...ok...]

We're uninstalling eveything from this freakin' laprus (yes, we call our laptop a laprus, no questions) to facilate the required 685MB needed to just have an instance of Blender sit there in the list of installed applications. How do I know? I installed it once before, perhaps a trillion gajillion years ago. Then, one fine day we uninstalled it to make room for more unecessary applications (both the C and D partitions of my 1TB HDD are 99% full of random chipacabras now).

[chipacabra here] [bronchosaur here]

As we are writing this, our cellular data hotspotted to us from one dinosaur era Gionee phone has just ran out, causing our crdownload of blender-2.79b-windows64.msi to stop at 24.7/83.8MB

It is 10:20PM on 28-Aug-18, it is night; a windy night. I know none of you care about it.
This blog is a joint venture by Nikhil and Gokul, also known to the world as SuperNixpectaculous and LordGokubot, and it seeks to log our journey learning Blender animation from super beginner to mega-novice to ultra-master. Our path to mastery of the tools in Blender will all be documented here in the clean and crisp manner you witness in these paragraphs.

Our minecraft animations will all be heavily inspired by the great BlackPlasmaStudios, best known for Animation Life 1-2-3 on YouTube.

We never ever want to come back to the download step for the Blender application ever again.

We were able to resume the download, and now, we open it up!

The msi publisher could not be verified, but I got it from the official site and not SourceForge, so I trust it enough to hit "Run" anyway. The Setup Wizard promises to install Blender on my device. Next, we agree to the terms in the license agreement. It's just GPL, which I've read atleast a hundred times before. So, the blender package we're going to get installed is Blender (77MB) and Blenderplayer (28MB) and the full thing just needs 315MB...
Ok, they seem to have updated mathematics...

Ready to install Blender! Finally!
Sure, take administrator privelage, just give us Blender!
Waiting while the Setup Wizard installs Blender.
Yay, it's over!

C:/Program Files/Blender Foundation/Blender/blender.exe has opened a terminal shell saying "registering extension". Probably cramming it's project file extension into windows registry and maring itself as the default application.

Finish button clicked. Installer exited.
Program opened successfuly.

Here's what it looks like:

We're going to be following classic Blender tutorials from YT.
Oh, here's one from Black Plasma Studios taught by Arbiter 617:

11:26PM We shall install Mineways from realtimerendering.com/erich/minecraft/public/mineways

The 12.9MB zip has downloaded and we have unzipped it to our Minecraft Animation folder in the Documements folder. We open the runnable, and try to extract a map we have. Hope Laprus doesn't crash.

Now, we download MCPrep, theduckcow.com/dev/blender/mcprep-download
If you feel particularly thwag, try beta testing v3.1.0 here: bit.ly/mcprep-310-beta